Still have all the other projects in various states of 'almost done', and I occasionally tinker with them to make their wiring/arrangement better.
After one of my mini servoes broke, I of course tore it apart to see "how it works", and wound up with a teeny tiny 3 volt motor to play with. After looking around to see what/how to implement it, I eyed one of my Space Marine Dreadnaughts, and had an instant vision of its torso pivoting under radio control, and its assault cannon whirring away... as in the first Dawn of War intro movie.
A few destructive moments with the Dremel, and here it is, mocked up:
I'm not sure yet if I want to add the whole RC kit to it, as it would all have to be in a big clunky base.. or if I just want the motor direct wired to a mini puchbutton somewhere on the Dread.
While I'm adding batteries and pushbuttons, I might as well add some LEDs and stuff.. right? We shall see.